
Our Translators.


Carly Longman

Head of Translations

Carly is a recent graduate in linguistics and romance languages from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She spent her junior year abroad living in Salamanca, Spain, Paris, France and São Paulo, Brazil. Carly has worked as a translator of Portuguese, Spanish and French and currently works as a legal fellow for Greater Boston Legal Services. She believes that linguistic access is the key to breaking down cultural barriers and seeing the world from new perspectives. 


Maryan Maza

Maryan holds a degree in hispanic philology from the University of Havana. Her professional interests are most involved with the study of language, both its origin and evolution.


Bayan Barakat

Bayan is a Jordanian-Palestinian graduate from the University of Jordan, with a degree in English literature. She is interested in studying the history of the world through literature. She is passionate about learning new languages, and new ways to communicate with people around the world. She will be translating our English articles into Arabic.

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Balqees Bakeer

Balquees is Jordanian-Palestinian and lives in Jordan. She graduated from the University of Jordan where she studied foreign languages. She worked and volunteered in the education of different languages, such as Spanish, Turkish, and Arabic for non-native speakers.

She is interested in learning and teaching languages, communication with others, sports, and nutrition.


Yara Milhem

Yara is a Palestinian student at the University of Jordan, majoring in english literature. She is passionate about human rights, anthropology, and social justice. Her hobbies are writing poetry and  learning new languages.

Batool Albtoush

Batool Albtoush

Batool is Jordanian and lives in Aqaba, Jordan. She studied at the University of Jordan in the College of Languages, where she majored in applied English language, and is trained in teaching Arabic language to non-native speakers. Batool is interested in learning languages, the differences between them, and knowing about new cultures. She likes to swim.

About Translating:


As our newspaper is international, with writers producing content in their language of choice, we want to make sure that we can bridge any language divide between our writers and readers. That’s where our translators come in.

Translators will work together in a teams based on their language of choice. This gives translators a chance to not only get experience, but meet and work with people in a language that they’re passionate about across the world. They will be part of a team dedicated to reaching readers in their target language. We want members of our community to connect with one another to discuss their work and support one another, and our translators are an integral part in making that happen.

Apply to Translate.

Tell us about yourself, your language skills and your experience working in translations.